D5 프로에서 우승하자!

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👇 아래 링크에 게시
14일간의 D5 프로를 받으세요
👇 아래 링크에 게시
7일간의 D5 프로를 받으세요
여러 플랫폼에서 작성한 리뷰에 대한 보상은 모두 받을 수 있지만, 각 플랫폼에서는 한 번만 받을 수 있습니다. 리뷰가 게시된 후 아래 양식을 제출하면 보상을 받으실 수 있습니다.

How to Win D5 Pro

D5 Render 10 Versions Milestone Celebration

How to participate

- Please share your captivating stories of why you chose D5 at first and some delightful experiences of navigating through the 10 versions of D5 Render on Facebook or LinkedIn with the tag #d5render before August 13.
*You just need to post on one of the two platforms. There is no need to post on both of them.
Don't forget to also include a unforgettable project you've completed with D5 in the post.
- Whether the story is in the form of text/picture/video, we're all ears and eyes!


August 13, 2023 at 11:59 PM GMT.


- A prize of $200
- Get featured on our official website and social media accounts
- Presence of your entry on our YouTube channel

D5 Spotlight

D5 Spotlight

What is Spotlight

It is a program where D5 reaches out to its users for more renderings and D5 cases. D5 Team and D5 users join forces to make more content about D5 Render, and spread the good works to a wider audience.

We're looking to build an inclusive community for D5 users by providing a platform for you to share your renderings and stories through social media posts, case study, content creation and so much more.

What You'll Get

- Being featured in D5 official accounts on various platforms
- Making your renderings seen by more on D5 Gallery
Having your works and stories written into a Blog

How to Join

Please send your compressed renderings with brief self-introduction and case description to gallery@d5techs.com.
Learn More

G2/GoodFirms/Product Hunt/Trustpilot Review

Write reviews for D5 Render on G2/GoodFirms/Trustpilot/Product Hunt. Once the review gets approved, please contact us (contact@d5techs.com) to get D5 Grains and D5 Pro license. These rewards are stackable.

- 14-day D5 Pro for G2/GoodFirms/Trustpilot Review
- 7-day D5 Pro for Product Hunt Review
- D5 Grain

Get Involved